Turning 23rd. #foreveryoung

“Age is just number” said by many manyyy people including me *gulp. Anyway, it’s a great day (I wish) today, as it’s my Birthday. I couldn’t believe I’m this age already. Where did the time go?

When I was young (I mean, kid stage), I used to make such a big deal about my birthday where I’d tell people it was my birthday just so someone would wish me a wonderful day hehe. Now, it has been all different for me. I think I’m more calm and nothing much of a big deal about it (if someone wants to wish me, they will and if they don’t then it’s okay).

Frankly, turning 23 is more than exciting, blessed & it brought me many experiences and difficult decisions, so much of a thrilling ride. I felt happy with where I’m at in my life and that have been some changes that I’m proud of. I hope that today (turning 23rd), I will be able to approach life with more knowledge, be more understanding towards myself, matured & stop being silly lol (but being silly is fun ya know ^^). Looking back at myself and see how much I’ve grown up into this person I am now is, overwhelming… yeah overwhelming.

Oh God, I’m always so much grateful for what I am now. But to be honest, (cliche’) I’m a bit afraid of getting into this phase of life as I always think the higher the number of your age, the higher the responsibility that you might carry (in fact, none of us can run from it). Personally, I don’t really care of how old am I now because age is just number and a passage of time, but my responsibility has increased. So much to think of paying on my own, using my own money. Just one thing for sure, I’m still a clingy daughter to my Ibu & Ayah.

I’ve been sharing with quite a lot of them and mostly said that nothing to be afraid of getting into this age. But yeah who doesn’t? It can’t be denied that I am and I understand why most of my friends got the same feeling as me. We don’t like growing up, we are not ready to carry the responsibilities around us but we have no choice. Ya right. But to keep me going and moving forward? This I believe that Allah’s plans matter. Keep our faith and chin up (: sometimes I listened to the oldies asking me to enjoy myself getting into 20s. I really enjoy it. In fact, living in present is what is always in my mind. But yea, I really wanna have a bright future, later. InshaAllah.

Anyway moving forward, I have a lot to be thankful for, A LOT. I have a hard time expressing my gratitude, I really do, I have an ego higher than the clouds, but I really am grateful for a lot of things, I am grateful to be put in an environment where I have become this person I never knew I could, being put in situations where it has taught me good things are created through hardships and pain, like I always say, a rainbow after the storm, so in order to grow & glow, I had to go through sufferings, thats just me personally. I am also so so sooo thankful for the people that I have in my life, especially my friends, I might fail miserably when it comes to relationships, love & just men in general but subhanAllah I have really really great friends, the type of people that I could just hit up at 3 in the morning and they’d be there for me, I have so many shoulders lent to me, there would be times where it would suddenly hit me hard, of how blessed I am to be surrounded by such amazing human beings with such beautiful beautiful souls, may Allah bless each & every one of you.

So here’s to 23 years of living, and many more years to come insyaAllah! Here’s to the exciting places I have encountered and many more yet to venture on, here’s to the beautiful people I have met who has impacted my life positively & to the people I shall meet someday. Here’s to the many more food yet to be discovered! (paling excited for)here’s for the ups & downs of life, here’s to the loves that have touched me & the heartbreaks that has tore me apart, here’s to the crazy decisions I’ve made and the spontaneous shits I have done that drove my family crazy and over the edge, here’s to the people that has always had my back, through the lows & the highs, here’s to the future, although I am so fucking scared for the future, for the uncertainties but I am hella excited (am i really tho?).


As time goes by, you will somehow realise everything will pass by you. You will grow up & everything isn’t the same anymore. People change and only memories remain. Always hold onto what you believe & never lose your faith to whatever is made up for you. I’m just turning into this phase of life where some of you might have gone through it. I’m still working on it to reach my target and InshaAllah, I will continue to keep learning. I know, the more we learn, the better it will be.

Thank you for the wishes & du’a. Hope all of you are having a wonderful weekend xx

And yeah, happy birthday to me. #olderandwiser #officially23


Till then,


Thank you for reading everyone! (Say hi to my little ass pimple friends) ❤ (ᵔᴥᵔ)